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The Webster Grove Stamp Club is one of the oldest stamp clubs in the St. Louis, MO metropolitan area. It was founded in 1928. There are about 75 members.

We meet the 1st and 3rd Friday evenings each month at 8:00 PM Central .

In the course of a year, there is something that appeals to everyone. 

Of the various clubs in the St. Louis area, Webster Groves attracts the most advanced collectors.

In the event of snow, hurricane, blizzard, swarm of locusts, etc., Alan will send a Zoom invitation on the Friday afternoon.

Meeting Changes

On 20 January 2023, members in attenance voted to change to one in-person meeting and one Zoom meeting each month. The 1st Friday night of each month will be In-person and the 3rd Friday night will be conducted on Zoom. Paid and honorary members will receive the Zoom link in their regular meeting email. Auctions will only be conducted at the In-person meeting until we find a way to present items for sale easily on Zoom and collect from bidders.


Date Program Presenter Location
January 03, 2025Stamp Collecting on StampsAlan BaraschChurch
January 17Battleships Carry the Mail or More Often Don’tThomas A. MinorZoom
February 07Swedish RoyaltyLes Hall ♥Church
February 21Show and Tell ~ ChatMembersZoom
March 07Seeing Double - Duplicate Designs on Revenue Stamped PaperDonald WoodworthChurch
March 21No MeetingSTL Stamp ExpoZoom
April 04Computers & Technology on StampsAlan BaraschChurch
April 18Katy Trail CoversMarge Faber ♥Zoom
May 02Church
May 16EuroPhilex - Birmingham reportAlan BaraschZoom
June 06Church
June 20Disease on StampsHarvey FlapdippleZoom
July 04Church
July 18Zoom
August 01Church
August 15Zoom
September 05Church
September 19Zoom
October 03Church
October 17Zoom
November 07Church
November 21Zoom
December 05Church
December 19Zoom
January 02, 2026Church


 ⚫Notice to presenters: If you require a projector, special materials, or a computer, please advise the Secretary by clicking on the Webster link below. An email pops up with address automatically. Programs presented whether in-person or Zoom should be limited to 35-45 minutes with plenty of time for quuestions from the audience.

The  ♥ symbol denotes an out-of-town speaker or member speaker that is not local.

Recordings from 3rd Friday Meetings

For best results, copy (Ctrl+C) the Passcode before clicking the link.

Battleships Deliver the MailThomas A. MinorBattleship Revenues as Postage6MBP9y8M+W01/17/2025
Winter & Chanukkah StampsAlan BaraschWinter Holidays%c5NS@9sap12/20/2024
How to Build Philatelic PowerPointAlan BaraschBuild a PowerPoint$ZDU?Z7CqJ11/15/2024
Why you Need a Philatelic CensusAlan BaraschPhilatelic Censuspp#t#J4HMk07/19/2024
Flags on StampsAlan BaraschNo longer available06/21/2024


Files before 15 Jun 2024 were deleted to make space on the Zoom server.

For a list of previous programs 1934 to present, try this out. The list is being added to a database and is updated frequently.


Get the list for the next auction here; it is available as both an Excel download and a webpage.

To place bids for the upcoming sale, send your bid in email (this link pops up your email with the proper address) to  Your bids for the current sale should be sent by 15:00 Central Time (GMT-6) on the day before sale. Please include

Please Note: Your secretary only converts a spreadsheet to a web page and does not see the lots until the meeting.

If your bid is successful, you will be contacted immediately after the sale with instructions how to make payment and receive your lots. Only checks or cash are accepted.

Please While we will gladly accept floor bids from any visitors, mail bids are only accepted from members. Come visit us soon!

We are not an auction company and all volunteers!

For information about the or any other philatelic organizations in the St. Louis metro area, please drop us a line.

Other sites of interest:


Saint Louis Stamp Expo
APS Chapter Member
Chapter # 1475-175688
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